Our Services

Intellectual Property Management

The Science Agora Technology Transfer Hub offers advisory services and support to researchers and young entrepreneurs on issues of protecting and managing intellectual property, with the aim of optimally developing the commercial and industrial exploitation prospects of their idea.
Through its integrated team of executives that cover the entire spectrum of expertise required in the intellectual property management process (legal advisors, engineers, etc.) Science Agora offers step-by-step guidance and communicates good practices in this field.

Intellectual property protection is a crucial step for further exploitation of research results and inventions. Often, researchers need guidance and access to information about the process of protecting and managing intellectual property.

Business Acceleration

Services are provided to teams with innovative ideas and include the steps of checking the technological maturity of research results, support in determining business value and in defining a funding and management strategy. The provision of specialized advisory services (mentorship) on business matters and the possibility of networking with other teams, venture capitals and recognized businesses contribute to the transfer of business ideas from research to the real economy.


The business acceleration service of Science Agora aims at promoting entrepreneurship within its bodies through:

accelerating the business process from research to market

creating start-ups and disseminating innovative ideas in the business ecosystem.

Education and Skills Development

To SCIENCE AGORA προσφέρει στους ωφελούμενους του εκπαίδευση (με τη μορφή θεματικών σεμιναρίων, ημερίδων, workshops, bootcamps, κτλ.) πάνω σε θέματα επιχειρηματικής επιτάχυνσης, διαχείρισης και προστασίας της βιομηχανικής και διανοητικής ιδιοκτησίας (ΔΙ), οικονομικής αξιοποίησης των ερευνητικών αποτελεσμάτων με στόχο τη διασύνδεση της επιστήμης και της έρευνας με την αγορά εργασίας και την επιχειρηματικότητα και την ανάπτυξη επιχειρηματικών δεξιοτήτων και επιχειρηματικής νοοτροπίας.

The training programs will have the following themes:

Sustainable Startup Entrepreneurship

It refers to the creation and operation of companies that take into account their social, environmental and economic implications, aiming to create long-term value for society and the environment, as well as for the company itself.

Modern Business and
Financing Tools

Refers to various technologies, applications and services that assist businesses in improving their performance and acquiring financing, among others through online platforms, artificial intelligence applications and blockchain.

Protecting and managing
intellectual property

Refers to the process that is followed to protect and utilize human mind creations, such as inventions, trademarks, copyrights and generally creations resulting from a creative process.

Legal issues in the context
of startup entrepreneurship

Refers to legal issues related to the creation, operation and development of a startup business, such as the choice of the appropriate business form, partners and data protections, as well as financing procedures.

Η έννοια του ρίσκου & οι μηχανισμοί
its calculation mechanisms

It's linked to a decision or an activity and the mechanisms of its calculation usually involve the assessment of possible outcomes, the estimation of their probability of occurrence and the decision on whether or not the risk is acceptable.

Business Ethics
in the World of Business

Refers to the principles and rules that govern the behavior of businesses, in order to meet the demands of society and ensure their sustainability and behavior towards employees, customers and competitors.

Networking and Financing

Proof of Concept Program

The "Proof of Concept" program is one of the main actions of Science Agora and aims to support new entrepreneurial schemes and research teams in the form of granting financing (PoC Grants), providing consulting services and networking with the market. The program is implemented in cooperation with funding bodies and gives participating teams the opportunity to implement their business proposal in a real environment while the research teams can convert their research ideas into commercial products

The stages of the program are:

Submit your proposal

You should describe your idea
and present your team

Receive Mentoring Support

Present your proposal to specialized executives
and receive guidance

Implement the "PoC"

Receive significant funding and implement
the "PoC" of your idea in a real environment.

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