The second cycle of the workshop series for the development and enhancement of research and innovation in Greece has successfully completed
Can we imagine and create an ecosystem that connects excellence and innovation without exclusions? What do Greek universities need to produce innovation for a global audience, but with a focus on their own strengths and the enhancement of local communities? What does innovation mean for research and how can we unleash the power that knowledge communities hold?
The Onassis Foundation, the Sectoral Scientific Council (SSC) of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property of the National Council for Research, Technology and Innovation (NCRTI) and the Uni.Fund organized for the second year a series of workshops on the Business Exploitation of Research and the Technology Transfer in Greek Universities and Research Centers. From December 2022 to April 2023, four separate workshops were held at the Stegi and the Technology Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (ACEin) of the Athens University of Economics.
Watch the videos here and discover the topics below:
Workshop #1 | 08.12.22
Who Has the Responsibility of Managing Intellectual Property

Who is responsible for managing intellectual property? What are considered good and bad practices? What is the best strategy for the most direct and highest quality development of the innovation ecosystem in Greece? How does Intellectual Property lead to value creation for all involved parties? The workshop aims to answer these questions and to bring together the technology transfer community at the Stegi of the Onassis Foundation once again, continuing its tangible support for innovation as a means to unleash forces and create value for all.
Workshop #2 | 26.01.23
Technology Transfer Regulations and the Role of Technology Transfer Offices

Following the completion of the first period of operation of the Technology Transfer Structures, the second workshop of the 2nd Tech Transfer cycle examines the issue of the implementation of Technology Transfer Regulations and the role of Technology Transfer Offices and collaborative structures in research and university institutions. Six Technology Transfer Structures discuss issues and prospects in the field of research and innovation, their experiences from the new regulatory system as well as their suggestions for how we can achieve synergies and significantly enhance the Greek innovation system in universities and research centers.
Workshop #3 | 16.02.23
Sustainability, Structure Financing and KPIs

How does research activity change as a result of the introduction of technology transfer structures and how can we imagine the field of research and innovation in the next decade as a result of these structures? The Onassis Foundation, continuing its presence in the field of innovation, together with the research and business ecosystem, seeks the appropriate ways and conditions for technology transfer actions to be able to bring about the substantial impact for which they have been designed. The third workshop in the series "Business Exploitation of Research and Technology Transfer" poses the essential question of how we see the future of Technology Transfer Structures over time, as well as how we can assess their success or failure. As the first phase of introducing the Technology Transfer Structures into the Greek system of research and innovation is completed, it is the right time to talk, not only about the desired, but also about the feasible, always aiming at unleashing forces and developing a sustainable environment for research and innovation.
Workshop #4 | 07.04.23
The Next Day for the Technology Transfer Offices and Structures

What is the next day for Technology Transfer Structures in Greece? How can Technology Transfer Structures become truly sustainable and how do we see them evolving in their new phase of operation? What do we expect from the next Sectoral Scientific Council (SSC) and what can be the evolving role of Intellectual Property in supporting innovation in the Greek research ecosystem? As innovation support and management infrastructures mature and become increasingly targeted, it is necessary to collectively see how we can enable them to maximize their effectiveness and reciprocation in society and the economy.
Tech Transfer refers to a series of workshops addressing how the Business Exploitation of Research and Technology Transfer in Greece can be supported. The four meetings to be held at Stegi are a continuation of the Tech Transfer webinar series co-organized by Uni.Fund and the Onassis Foundation during the period November 2020 – May 2021.
In the second Tech Transfer, through four meetings, a creative dialogue opens up around how research conducted at Greek universities and research centers can be specifically supported by the new Technology Transfer Structures to lead to products and services, how it can be protected by patents and other intellectual property tools, and how it can ultimately generate value for all parties involved.
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Investment and the Ministry of Education and Religion. Co-organized by the Technology Transfer Structures Science Agora, Archimedes NKUA, GNΩSI, Speira, and AUTh - Democritus University of Thrace.
Proposals from the Sector Scientific Council (SSC) for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property:
Intellectual Property – Proposals for legislative and organizational interventions
Directions for the development of a Technology Transfer Regulation
Completion of provisions of Law 4957/2022 by the Ministry of Education